About Us

Welcome to AltCineplex, Place of independent film makers to showcase their talent !

AltCineplex is a OTT platform for curating the best of independent cinema, whether it’s shorts, features or documentaries. The OTT follows a model where viewers can directly watch the film by getting subscription for it. AltCineplex curates hand-picked independent films from across the globe, offering some rare gems to the film lovers.
By going online,  AltCineplex is trying to empower filmmakers by providing a platform that is easily accessible while keeping the spotlight on individual films through the its system. Filmmakers now have the option to release their films virtually without having to wait for festivals or splurge on renting theatres. Users can stream the films by paying for content and a majority of the revenue goes back to creators who maintain autonomy over their work. When users pay for a film, they support filmmakers directly.

If you want to be part of our team, we are always looking for the right talent. Drop us a email at hello@altcineplex.com